Tuesday, December 28, 2010
5 phrases & 2 sentences
Five phrases:
1. 月 亮(moon)
2. 謝 謝(thank)
3. 樹 葉(tree leaves)
4. 黃 花(yellow flower)
5. 陽 光(sunshine)
Two sentences:
1. 謝 謝 老 師 教 我 唱 歌 。
(Thank teacher for teaching me to sing a song.)
2. 送 你 一 朵 小 黃 花 。
(Give you a little yellow flower.)
Questions with numbers and phrases
一 二 三
三 二 一
一 二 三 四 五 六 七
七 六 五 四 三 二 一
Q: 你 幾 歲 ?(How old are you?)
A: 我 __ 歲 。(I am __ years old.)
Q: 你 家 有 幾 個 人 ?(How many people are there in your family?)
A: 我 家 有 __ 個 人 。(My family has __ people.)
Phrases with pictures:
太 陽(Sun)、水 田(paddy)、黑 狗(black dog)、衣 服(clothes)、小 河(river)、蝴 蝶(butterfly)、青 蛙(frog)、烏 龜(turtle)、鷺 鷥(egret)
我愛我的( I love my ... )
我 愛 我 的 家 (I love my home.)
我 愛 我 的 爸 爸 (I love my dad.)
我 愛 我 的 媽 媽 (I love my mom.)
我 愛 我 的 哥 哥 (I love my older brother.)
我 愛 我 的 姊 姊 (I love my older sister.)
我 愛 我 的 弟 弟 (I love my younger brother.)
我 愛 我 的 妹 妹 (I love my younger sister.)
我 愛 我 自 己 (I love myself.)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Introduce yourself and your friends
Wo3 Xing4 _____ Ming2 Jiao4 ______
Da4 Jia1 Dou1 Jiao4 Wo3 ______
Wo3 Shi4 Zhong1 Wen2 Xue2 Xiao4
_____ Nian2 Ji2 De Xue2 Sheng1
Wo3 Xi3 Huan1 Wo3 De Xue2 Xian4
Zhe4 Wei4 Shi4 ___
Ta1 Shi4 Wo3 De Hao3 Peng2 You3
Na4 Wei4 Shi4 ___
Ta1 Ye3 Shi4 Wo3 De Hao3 Peng2 You3
3 Ws Questions
Use the following Nouns to answer the 3 Ws Questions:
Ba4Ba(daddy), Ma1Ma)grandpa, Nai3Nai(grandma), Bo2Bo(daddy's older brother), Ge1Ge(older brother), Jie3Jie(older sister), Di4Di(younger brother), Mei4Mei(younger sister), Gu1Gu(daddy's sisters), Shu2Shu(daddy's younger brother), (A1Yi2)mother's sisters, Lao3Shi1(teacher), Peng2You3(friend), Tong2Xue2(schoolmate/classmate)
Dao1Zi(knife), Cha1Zi(fork), Tang1Chi2(spoon), Bei1Zi(cup), Pan2Zi(plate), Zhuo1Zi(table), Yi3Zi(chair), Dian4Hua4(telephone), Deng1(light), Dian4Shi4(TV), Dian4Nao3(computer), Hua2Shu3(mouse), Yao2Kong4Qi4(remote control), Sha1Fa1(sofa)
Ke4Ting1(living room), Can1Ting1(dining room), Chu2Fang2(kitchen), Qin2Fang2(music room), Shu1Fang2(study room), Yu4Shi4(bathroom), Che1Ku4(garage), Yuan4Zi(yard), Wo3Jia1(my home), Ni3Jia1(your home)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Poem 8 "小烏龜" & Sentences
Click the video to practice reading out loud the 8th poem "小烏龜" and the sentences in handouts:
Song "猜拳歌"
Click the video to sing "猜拳歌" with the teacher:
好 朋 友 我 們 行 個 禮
握 握 手 呀 來 猜 拳
石 頭 布 呀 看 誰 嬴
輸 了 就 要 跟 我 走
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Song & ㄖㄣ
Click the video to sing the "Happy Birthday Song" and practice ㄖ and ㄣ:
祝 你 生 日 快 樂
祝 你 生 日 快 樂
我 們 高 聲 歌 唱
祝 你 生 日 快 樂
ㄖ 乳 牛 (milk cow)
ㄣ 春 聯 ((spring festival couplet)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Q 你叫什麼名字?
A 我叫小貓(小狗、小兔、小魚)。
(eraser) 橡皮擦、橡皮擦 ㄒㄒㄒ
(rabbit) 兔子、兔子 ㄊㄊㄊ
Little Fireflies (explained in English)
Little fireflies
Fly to west
Fly to east
Brighten this side
Brighten that side
Look like many small lanterns
Saturday, October 30, 2010
ㄠㄕㄇ & 你叫什麼名字?
* Three phonetic symbols:
ㄠ 翹翹板 seesaw
ㄕ 獅子 lion
ㄇ 麵包 bread
* Sentence:
你叫什麼名字? What is your name?
Friday, October 22, 2010
How old are you? and ㄋㄐㄛ
Click the video to review what you learned in the class:
你 幾 歲 ?
(How are are you?)
我 (一、兩、三、四、五、六) 歲。
I am (one, two, three, four, five, six) years old.
ㄋ 康 乃 馨 (carnation)
ㄐ 飛 機 (airplane)
ㄛ 糖 果 (candies)
ㄤ 章 魚 (octopus)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
ㄗㄅㄞ & sentences
Click the video to practice 3 symbols, colors, and sentences:
ㄗ 足球 (soccer ball)
ㄅ 杯子 (cup)
ㄞ 海豚 (douphin)
一個 _______ 的氣球飛了。
The L1 students sang the song "媽媽的眼睛"
Click the video and enjoy their singing the son. And the singers were 石佑誠、紀華貴、洪楷琳、and 余中興。
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Please click the video to review what we learned in the class:
ㄔ 床 舖, 床 舖 彳彳彳
尢 章 魚, 章 魚 尢尢尢
ㄢ 剪 刀, 剪 刀 ㄢㄢㄢ
ㄔ 床 舖, 床 舖 彳彳彳
尢 章 魚, 章 魚 尢尢尢
ㄢ 剪 刀, 剪 刀 ㄢㄢㄢ
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Click the video and practice the 3 Chinese phonetic symbols and 8 colors in a sentence:
Symbols: ㄏ河馬(hippo),ㄥ鈴噹(bell),ㄙ三角板(triangle ruler)
Colors: 紅色(red)橙色(orange)黃色(yellow)綠色(green)藍色(blue)紫色(purple)黑色(black)白色(white)
Sentence: 一個___色氣球飛了!
Symbols: ㄏ河馬(hippo),ㄥ鈴噹(bell),ㄙ三角板(triangle ruler)
Colors: 紅色(red)橙色(orange)黃色(yellow)綠色(green)藍色(blue)紫色(purple)黑色(black)白色(white)
Sentence: 一個___色氣球飛了!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Click the video to review the lesson:
*Sentence: 氣 球 飛 了 。
*Initials: ㄑ ㄈ ㄌ 。 Finals: ㄡ ㄟ ㄜ 。
*Tones: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, light tone.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
小火車 (A Little Train)
Poem 11: 小火車 (A Little Train)
Click the video and practice reading the poem in your handout with the teacher:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ song
Click the video and sing the ㄅㄆㄇㄈ song with Randy:
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ ㄉㄊㄋㄌ
ㄍㄎㄏ ㄐㄑㄒ
ㄓㄔㄕㄖ ㄗㄘㄙ
一ㄨㄩ ㄚㄛㄜㄟ
How old are you?
Take out your handout and click the video to practice the phrases and sentences you have learned in the class:
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Body parts and the song
Click the video and review the body parts and the sentences we have learned:
頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳指
膝 腳指 膝 腳指
頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳指
眼 耳 鼻 和 口
這是什麼? (What is this?)
這是___。(This is ___.)
那是什麼?(What is that?)
那是___。(That is___.)
頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳指
膝 腳指 膝 腳指
頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳指
眼 耳 鼻 和 口
這是什麼? (What is this?)
這是___。(This is ___.)
那是什麼?(What is that?)
那是___。(That is___.)
Click the video and practice with the teacher the two phonetic symbols ㄟ and ㄠ:
ㄟ 北極熊 polar bear
ㄠ 翹翹板 seesaw
Visiting Friends
Click the video, listen carefully, and practice the dialogue till you can memorize your lines:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
How to Tell a Time
Click the video and review what we have learned about how to tell a time:
現在是 早上/上午/中午/下午/晚上/半夜
______ 點 _______ 分。
am 早上;上午 (morning)
noon 中午
pm 下午 (afternoon)
night 晚上 (evening)
midnight 半夜
Tongue twisters "14隻 獅子 還是 40隻 獅子"
Click the video and practice the tongue twisters "14 Lion or 40 Lions":
ㄕㄖand the song "母鴨帶小鴨"
Click the video, practice ㄕㄖ, and sing the song "母鴨帶小鴨" with the teacher:
ㄕ 獅 子 lion
ㄖ 乳 牛 milking cow
and the song "母鴨帶小鴨"
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sing "我是隻小小鳥" (I am a little little bird.)
Hi 余中興、石祐誠、洪楷琳、 and 紀華貴, please click the video and sing the song "我是隻小小鳥" (I am a little little bird.) with your lyric handout.
Sing "小老鼠" (Little Mouse)
Hi, Sophia, Allie, and Justin, please click the video and learn to sing "小老鼠" (Little Mouse) with your lyric handout.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Click the video to practice the phonetic symbols ㄛ and ㄜ:
ㄛ the ending sound of 糖果 (candy)
ㄜ the ending sound of 天鵝 (swan)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The 10th poem "變變變"
*Copy down the phonetic symbols of the 10th poem into your green book.
*Click the video and read the poem out loud with the teacher till you are fluent.
Click the video and keep practicing the Self-introduction format with your personal information until you can memorize it:
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Mearsure words
Click the video to practice using Chinese measure words in numbering different things:
Sing "小星星"
Click the video and listen to a Chinese children song "小星星" by the singers, 石祐誠,紀華貴,余中興,and 洪楷琳.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Click the video and practice reading the poem "Walk into a maze":
客廳 Living room
Click the video and review what we have learned about "living room":
Sentence structure:
這是什麼?(What is this?) 那是什麼?(What is that?)
Word bank:
沙發 sofa、抱枕 pillow、茶几 tea/coffee table、
桌子 regular table、椅子 chair、書架 book shelf、
燈 light/lamp、地毯 carpet/rug、電視 TV、
搖控器 remote control、壁爐 fireplace、畫 painting、
吊扇 ceiling fan、白板 whiteboard、牆壁 wall、門 door、
窗戶 window、窗簾 curtain、天花板 ceiling、樓梯 stairs
Have a tea party
Click the video and review "Have a tea party" conversation:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
ㄋ the beginning sound of "乃" in 康乃馨 carnation
ㄌ the beginning sound of 禮物 gift; present
ㄍ the beginning sound of 公雞 rooster
ㄎ the beginning sound of "褲" in 短褲 shorts
ㄏ the beginning sound of 河 馬 hippo
一 the beginning sound of 衣 服 clothing
ㄨ the ending sound of 樹 木 tree
ㄩ the sound of "魚" in 金 魚 gold fish
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Click the video, practice what we have learned till now, ㄅ,ㄆ,ㄚ,ㄇ,ㄈ,ㄉ,ㄊ, and blend them with four tones:
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Lesson 3 Date & Time
* Click the video, listen carefully, and practice with the teacher the dialogue I & II on lesson 3 till you can read the two dialogues very fluently.
小烏龜 Little Turtle
1. Click the following video to read out loud the poem 8
"小烏龜" (Little Turtle).
2. Read the white card till you can memorize it.
3. Write your green book.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Read a poem
Homework: 1.)Phonetic symbol writing in Green Book 2.)Reading sentences in the 3 cards and the poem 5, 6, & 7 till very fluently.
Tyler(石祐誠) read "黑狗跟黃狗"
Jacob(余中興) read "小兔子"
Daniel(紀華貴) read "小汽車"
Katelyn(洪楷琳) read "大白鵝"
Tyler(石祐誠) read "黑狗跟黃狗"
Jacob(余中興) read "小兔子"
Daniel(紀華貴) read "小汽車"
Katelyn(洪楷琳) read "大白鵝"
Homework Q & A
Homework: Click the video to listen the 15 questions, repeat after the teacher, and write down the answers on your answer sheet.
Monday, January 4, 2010
7 poems & 2 cards
Homework for this week:
* Read the 7 poems until very fluently.
* Read the 2 cards until you can memorize them.
* Write one page of phonetic symbol sentences.
Click the video and practice the 7 poems with the teacher till you can read them very fluently:
* Read the 7 poems until very fluently.
* Read the 2 cards until you can memorize them.
* Write one page of phonetic symbol sentences.
Click the video and practice the 7 poems with the teacher till you can read them very fluently:
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