Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ㄗㄘㄙㄝㄞ & a song

ㄗ 足球 soccer
ㄘ 彩色筆 marker
ㄙ 三角板 triangle ruler
ㄝ 鞋子 shoes
ㄞ 海豚 dolphin

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Body parts and the song

Click the video and review the body parts and the sentences we have learned:

頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳指

膝 腳指 膝 腳指

頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳指

眼 耳 鼻 和 口

這是什麼? (What is this?)
這是___。(This is ___.)

那是什麼?(What is that?)
那是___。(That is___.)

"小花貓" (Little cat)

Click the video and sing the song "小花貓" (Little cat) :


Click the video and practice with the teacher the two phonetic symbols ㄟ and ㄠ:

ㄟ 北極熊 polar bear
ㄠ 翹翹板 seesaw

Visiting Friends

Click the video, listen carefully, and practice the dialogue till you can memorize your lines:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to Tell a Time

Click the video and review what we have learned about how to tell a time:


現在是 早上/上午/中午/下午/晚上/半夜
______ 點 _______ 分。


am 早上;上午 (morning)
noon 中午
pm 下午 (afternoon)
night 晚上 (evening)
midnight 半夜

Tongue twisters "14隻 獅子 還是 40隻 獅子"

Click the video and practice the tongue twisters "14 Lion or 40 Lions":

ㄕㄖand the song "母鴨帶小鴨"

Click the video, practice ㄕㄖ, and sing the song "母鴨帶小鴨" with the teacher:

ㄕ 獅 子 lion
ㄖ 乳 牛 milking cow
and the song "母鴨帶小鴨"