Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Song "老鷹抓小雞"

Click the video and sing the song "The eagle is catching little chicks":

Chinese Measure Words

裡 面 有 什 麼 ?
(What's inside?
有 一 隻 手
(There's one hand.)
有 一 隻 腳
(There's one foot.)
有 一 條 腿
(There's one leg.)
有 一 個 鼻 子
(There's one nose.)
有 兩 隻 耳 朵
(There are two ears.)
有 兩 隻 眼 睛
(There are two eyes.)
有 一 個 布 娃 娃
(There's one doll.)

The 2nd half of the lyrics of the Song "兩隻老虎"

Use your handout and click the video to practice reading the 2nd half of the lyrics of "兩隻老虎(Two Tigers)":

手 在 哪 裡 ? 手 在 哪 裡 ?
在 這 裡 ! 在 這 裡 !
你 今 天 好 嗎 ?
我 今 天 很 好 。
再 見 吧 ! 再 見 吧 !

2nd Poem "下雨啦(It's raining)!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Phrases and a brief phone conversation

Click the video to practice the phrases and the telephone conversation in your handout:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Basic Concepts of Chinese Language

Take out your handouts and click the video to learn the 3 parts of Chinese language -- Characters, Phonetic Symbols, and Tones. And, blend the symbols (beginning and ending sounds) with right tones to speak Chinese language correctly:

The Poem "CAT"

Click the video to practice reading out loud the poem "Cat" on your handout:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

12 Zodiac in Chinese culture

Click the video and practice blending the initials and finals with correct tones in your handout to pronounce the 12 Zodiac (Animals) in Chinese culture:

鼠(rat) 牛(ox) 虎(tiger) 兔(rabbit)
龍(dragon) 蛇(snake) 馬(horse) 羊(goat)
猴(monkey) 雞(rooster) 狗(dog) 豬(pig)

The Lyrics for "兩隻老虎" (Two Tigers)

Take out your handout to practice blending the beginning sounds and ending sounds with correct tones in the lyrics of the song "兩隻老虎" (Two Tigers):
