Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Black dog and yellow dog
黑 狗 跟 黃 狗
躺 在 草 地 上
黑 狗 耳 朵 長
黃 狗 尾 巴 長
牠 們 都 愛 曬 太 陽
黑 狗 (black dog)
黃 狗 (yellow dog)
草 地 (grass)
耳 朵 (ears)
尾 巴 (tail)
牠 們 (they)
太 陽 (sun)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Click the video, listen carefully, and answer the questions
in the Listening Comprehension of your homework:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
小兔子 Little Rabbit
Click the video, listen carefully, and repeat after the teacher:
搖搖 耳朵
好像 肚子 餓了
你要 吃 什麼
能不能 告訴 我
Click the video and review 37 phonetic signs with phrases.
Please repeat reading them out loud with the teacher.
Greetings 你好!
Pin-Yin Quiz 1:
Listen carefully and mark the correct tone signs in your answer sheet:
Pin-Yin Quiz 2 :
Write down the correct compound finals in your answer sheet:
Click the video and practice the phrases and the dialogue:
王 先 生: 你 好!
李 小 姐: 你 好!
王 先 生: 請 問,您 貴 姓?
李 小 姐: 我 姓 李,你 呢?
王 先 生: 我 姓 王,叫 王 朋。
你 叫 什 麼 名 字?
李 小 姐: 我 叫 李 友。
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
ㄢㄡ, poem, & ㄅㄆㄇ song
ㄢ 剪 刀 (scissor)
ㄡ 掃 帚 (broom)
Click the video and sing the ㄅㄆㄇ song with Randy:
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ ~ ㄉㄊㄋㄌ
ㄍㄎㄏ ~ ㄐㄑㄒ
ㄓㄔㄕㄖ ~ ㄗㄘㄙ
一ㄨㄩ ~ ㄚㄛㄜㄟ
ㄞㄝㄠㄡ ~ ㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦ
大家來唱 ~ ㄅㄆㄇ
Sunday, November 1, 2009
ㄣ 春 聯 (Spring Festival couplets)
ㄤ 章 魚 (Octopus)
ㄥ 鈴 噹 (Bells)
ㄦ 耳 機 (Headphones)
4 tone practice with the handout
Monday, October 26, 2009
這、那、哪 and 小狗的早飯
Test :
Write down 16 Pin-Yins with tones.
3 characters :
這 zhe4 (this); 這是 zhe4/shi4 (this is) ;
這裡 zhe4/li3 (here)
那 na4 (that); 那是 na4/shi4 (that is);
那裡 na4/li (there)
哪 na3 ; 哪裡 na3~2/li3 (where);
哪個 na3/ge (which one)
Make sentences:
zhe4 / shi4 / wo3 / de / bi3
zhe4 / shi4 / wo3 / de / jia1
na4 / shi4 / wo3 / mei4 / mei
na4 / li3 / shi4 / wo3 / jia1
ni3 / zhu4 / zai4 / na3~2 / li3
ni3~2 / xi3 / huan1 / na3 / yi2 / ge
Read the story "小狗的早飯" (P.108 & 109) with teacher.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
1. Practice writing new characters and remember their strokes with new phrases.
2. Click the video and repeat the lessons after the teacher sentence by sentence.
1. Practice writing new characters and remember their strokes with new phrases.
2. Click the video and repeat the lessons after the teacher sentence by sentence.
ㄗㄘㄙ & It's raining!
1. Write ㄗㄘㄙ
2. Click the video and practice ㄗㄘㄙ and "It's raining!"
ㄗ 足球 (soccer)
ㄘ 彩色筆 (marker)
ㄙ 三角板 (triangle ruler)
ㄉ ㄉ ㄉ ㄉ ㄉ ㄉ ㄉ
一 ㄚ 一 ㄚ 一 一 ㄚ
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
1. Write 2 pages of phonetic symbols "ㄓㄔㄕㄖ"
2. Click the video and repeat after the teacher till you can say it fluently.
ㄓ 蜘 蛛 spider
ㄔ 床 鋪 bed
ㄕ 獅 子 lion
ㄖ 乳 牛 cow
ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ
ㄠ 一 ㄠ 一 一 一 一
(Cat, cat meow meow meow!)
ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ ㄇ 一 ㄔ ㄩ
ㄠ 一 ㄠ 一 ㄠ
(Cat, cat wants to eat fish.)
Pin-Yin Symbol and Tone Practice
* Click the video, listen and repeat after the teacher.
* Write down 17 correct tones and 5 Pin-Yin with correct tones for 5 Chinese words.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
ㄝㄞㄟㄠand blend initials & finals with 4 tones
1. Practice writing ㄝㄞㄟㄠ and tone signs in the handout.
2. Listen to the video and practice blending initials & finals with 4 tones in your handout.
Initials, Finals, Compounds, & Tones
1. Read your handout and click the first video to practice sounding out all the Initials, Finals, and Compounds.
2. Click the second video to practice saying two sentences about Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Be sure your tones are correct.
3. Prepare for a dictation of Pin-Yin with different tones in the next lesson.
Monday, September 28, 2009
3 parts of Chinese language
- Characters: 爸
- Phonetic Signs/Symbols:ㄅ ㄚ
- Tones: (4th Tone)
Write the correct phonetic signs plus right tones in the two pages.
*Do your homework by listening carefully to the following video:
*Click the video and practice saying out loud the six sentences:
New phrases:
1. 我 的 眼 睛 大
2. 你 的 耳 朵 大
3. 他 的 鼻 子 大
4. 我 的 眼 睛 小
5. 你 的 耳 朵 小
6. 他 的 鼻 子 小
- Phonetic Signs/Symbols:ㄅ ㄚ
- Tones: (4th Tone)
Write the correct phonetic signs plus right tones in the two pages.
*Do your homework by listening carefully to the following video:
*Click the video and practice saying out loud the six sentences:
New phrases:
1. 我 的 眼 睛 大
2. 你 的 耳 朵 大
3. 他 的 鼻 子 大
4. 我 的 眼 睛 小
5. 你 的 耳 朵 小
6. 他 的 鼻 子 小
Monday, September 21, 2009
Click the video and practice ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ with the teacher:
ㄍ 公雞 (Rooster)
ㄎ 褲子 / 短褲 (Pants/Shorts)
ㄏ 河馬 (Hippo)
ㄐ 飛機 (Airplane)
ㄑ 企鵝 (Penguin)
ㄒ 橡皮擦 (Eraser)
1. P.133~138
2. 生字和造詞:男、言、立、禾、姓、這、那、哪,
3. 熟讀講義 "介紹自己和朋友",下次錄音
Click the following video and listen to your excellent performance:
Randy, Rachel, Chet, and Brandon, you all did a great job!
我姓 ______,我叫 _______________,
大家 都 叫 我__________。
我是中文學 校二年 級 的學 生,
我喜 歡 我的學 校。
這 位是_______________,
大家 都 叫 他 __________,
他 是我的好朋友。
那 位是_______________,
大家 都 叫 他 __________,
他 也 是我的好朋友。
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Lesson 4 兩隻老虎 & ㄌㄋㄛㄜ
Click the video and sing the song "Two Tigers":
Click the video and practice ㄌㄋ and ㄛㄜ :
ㄌ 禮物 (present/gift)
ㄋ 康乃馨 (carnation)
ㄛ 糖果 (candy)
ㄜ 天鵝 (swan)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Lesson 1 & 2 自我介紹和單位量詞
1. Write P.115 ~ P.126 from your workbook.
2. Memorize new vocabularies "比、李、刀、位、呀、草、象" for a test.
3. According to P. 93, make 13 new phrase cards and practice.
4. Review measuring words on P.91 & P.92 for a presentation.
5. Review highlighted phrases in the story on P.96 & P.97.
Click the following audio to listen to your self-introduction and keep practicing till you can introduce yourself without reading the notes.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Lesson 2
1. Two pages of writing phonetic symbols (ㄇ ㄈ 一 ㄨ ㄩ)
2. Prepare for writing and pronouncing the symbols next time.
3. Read the following symbols out loud and blend them to make new sounds
(Click the audio to practice with the teacher.)
* Beginning sounds (Initials):
ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ
* Ending/beginning/independent sounds (Initials/Finals):
ㄚ 一 ㄨ ㄩ
* Blending sounds :
ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ 一 ㄨ
ㄚ ㄚ ㄚ ㄚ 一 一 一 ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄚ ㄚ
* Old & New phrases :
ㄅ 杯 子 (cup)
ㄆ 皮 球 (ball)
ㄚ 蠟 筆 (crayon)
ㄇ 麵 包 (bread)
ㄈ 帆 船 (sailboat)
一 衣 服 (clothes)
ㄨ 樹 木 (tree)
ㄩ 魚 (fish)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Lesson 1 單位量詞
1. P.115、116、119、120
2. 準備聽寫生字(比、李、草、刀、象、呀、位)
3. 朗讀課本 P.91、92 "比一比"
打開課本91、92頁,點選下面方格,跟老師一起朗讀課文 "比一比"
(Open your book to P.91、92 and read out loud with the teacher to review Chinese measuring words.)
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ㄅㄆㄇ歌大合唱 (Sing ㄅㄆㄇ Song together!!!)
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Lesson 1 自我介紹
1. B本 P.61-66
2. 準備七個生字的聽寫 (方、房、、戶、囪、窗、錢、打)
3. Review 課文 "明明的撲滿"
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Monday, August 17, 2009
Lesson 1
The pronunciation of every Chinese character needs an initial and a final.
An initial means a beginning sound of a Chinese character.
A final means an ending sound of a Chinese character.
The phonetic symbols we will learn in this class cover all initials and finals in Mandarin Chinese language.
Two initials : ㄅ and ㄆ
One final: ㄚ
Examples as follows:
ㄅ is for the beginning sound of "杯子" (cup).
ㄆ is for the beginning sound of "皮球" (ball) or "拍手" (clap hands).
ㄚ is for the ending sound of "蠟筆" (crayon).
Besides beginning and ending sounds, each Chinese character has its tone.
There are 4 tones plus 1 light tone in Mandarin Chinese language.
Without tones, speaking Chinese would be like a robot's talking.
Listen to the following audio lesson and practice four tones with the hand gestures we learned in class.
*Note: click on "Play full song here" link to hear the whole audio clip.
注音符號歌 Phonetic Symbol Song
Listen to the song.
Sing it with your Mandarin Chinese Phonetic Symbol Handout!
*Note: click on "Play full song here" link to hear the whole audio clip.
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