The pronunciation of every Chinese character needs an initial and a final.
An initial means a beginning sound of a Chinese character.
A final means an ending sound of a Chinese character.
The phonetic symbols we will learn in this class cover all initials and finals in Mandarin Chinese language.
Two initials : ㄅ and ㄆ
One final: ㄚ
Examples as follows:
ㄅ is for the beginning sound of "杯子" (cup).
ㄆ is for the beginning sound of "皮球" (ball) or "拍手" (clap hands).
ㄚ is for the ending sound of "蠟筆" (crayon).
Besides beginning and ending sounds, each Chinese character has its tone.
There are 4 tones plus 1 light tone in Mandarin Chinese language.
Without tones, speaking Chinese would be like a robot's talking.
Listen to the following audio lesson and practice four tones with the hand gestures we learned in class.
*Note: click on "Play full song here" link to hear the whole audio clip.
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